Disability Services
Ask for the Support You Need
Accommodations can be requested at any time.
Requesting accommodations early can help your academic journey as it gives appropriate time for academic adjustments to be applied.
As a post-secondary student, you are not required to self-disclose disabilities. However, we encourage you to do so to help ensure you are getting the resources needed.
How to Request Accommodations
Step 1: Requesting Accommodations
- To start the interactive accommodations process, please click on the “Apply for Accommodations” button below.
- Log into the Student Account Center.
- Complete the Student Request for Accommodations Form. If you have questions, please click the “Assistance on Applying for Accommodations” button.
- Upload one (or more) of the following supporting documents to the AD Accommodations Qualified Professional Document:
- Qualified Professional Form – this form would be completed by your healthcare professional.
- Doctor’s Letter – this is documentation that comes from your healthcare provider outlining the details of your disability and any recommended accommodations. This would need to be written on letterhead.
- IEP/504 Plan (Individualized Educational Program) – this documentation comes from your high school that provided specialized instruction and related services for your disability.
Step 2: Interview with an Accommodations Officer (AO)
- An Accommodations Officer will contact you to complete an interview.
- The interview will help the AO develop a well-rounded picture of your needs, review your documentation, and advise you whether more information or more complete documentation is needed.
- Once the interview is complete, the AO will send all necessary forms to the Accommodations Committee.
Step 3: Accommodations Committee (AC)
- The Accommodations Committee will review your documentation within 2-3 weeks of receipt.
- The AC will determine eligibility and recommend reasonable accommodations based on the requests you submitted, documentation you submitted, and what is appropriate under the law.
- Members of the AC may contact you or your qualified professional (if you provided HIPAA/FERPA authorization) to obtain information necessary for decision-making.
- If the AC approves your requested accommodations, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to work with your instructors, as well as your Accommodations Plan that will outline the accommodations you were approved for. If you have any questions regarding your approval, please reach out to an AO.
- If the AC denies your requested accommodations, an AO will reach out to you and explain the reason for the denial.
Step 4: Activating Accommodations
- If you received approved accommodations, you need to email a copy of your Plan to each of your instructors, every quarter/term. It’s best to send to them at the beginning of each quarter/term start.
- Request to meet with each of your instructors to make arrangements for how the accommodation will be provided in each course. Do not wait until the last minute. Your instructors will need reasonable time to put things in place for you. Accommodations are not retroactive.
- Contact an AO if you have questions.
Additional Accommodations
If you feel you need additional accommodations, please reach out to an AO to discuss your options. If it is determined that you should request additional accommodations, you’ll use the following steps:
- Log into the Student Account Center.
- Complete the Accommodations Additional Request Form.
- This request could require additional documentation from a qualified professional. If this is required, an AO will contact you. If so, one of the following documents will need to be submitted:
- Qualified Professional Form – this form would be completed by your healthcare professional.
- Doctor’s Letter – this is documentation that comes from your healthcare provider outlining the details of your disability and any recommended accommodations. This would need to be written on letterhead.
- IEP/504 Plan (Individualized Educational Program) – this documentation comes from your high school that provided specialized instruction and related services for your disability.
Accommodations Renewal
Accommodations generally last one year. On your Plan, you will see your specific dates. Close to that one year date, you’ll receive an email reminder alerting you to complete the required paperwork for renewal, if you wish to renew. If you have not received your renewal paperwork two weeks prior to your expiration date, please contact an Accommodations Officer (AO).
Issues with Approved Accommodations
Students who are having troubles with their approved accommodations should follow this process.
Step 1: If you are having trouble accessing your accommodations, meet with your instructor and share your concern. Share your ideas for addressing the concern and work with the instructor to put the accommodations in place.
Step 2: If the actions taken in Step 1 do not adequately meet your needs, make an appointment with an Accommodations Officer to resolve your concern.
Step 3: If your concerns are not resolved through these steps, you may choose to use the disability grievance procedure.