Websites like Google can provide you with free online spreadsheets and word processing after you set up an email account. If you're working with a team on a lab report or an essay, you could use Google Docs™ to share the document and make changes that everyone will see. You could even upload Excel spreadsheets and keep your teammates updated on the progress you're making without having to send a single email. You could also use Google's chat function to instant message your peers about ideas and strategies for your project, not to mention video chat.
Facebook is a super easy way to connect with people. You'll be able to chat instantly or communicate via messages. You could even write on a team member's wall to update him or her on what part of the project you're planning to do or when your next meeting is. If you're trying to coordinate an in-person meeting to finalize a presentation, just create a Facebook™ event and invite everyone who you want to attend. After they respond, you'll know exactly who's coming.
With Skype, you can video chat with the people you're working with or make a free voice call. That way, they can hear exactly what you're saying and you could even hold up things for them to see, like the poster you're creating for the project. You can have multiple users interacting on the same feed, so no one will be left out. You could even share your computer screen with your peers so they can see exactly what you've been working on.
If you're creating a video for your project, you could always upload it via YouTube to share with everyone else. They'll be able to watch your video for free and you could put the link into a presentation if you're planning on showing it to your class. Who knows, your group's project may become the next big sensation!
No matter which social media website you use, it should be easy to contact everyone in your group. That way you can monitor each other and get the job done quickly and effectively, which is most likely going to score you a nice grade.
Google is a registered trademark of Google, Inc.
Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
Skype is a registered trademark of Skype, Inc.
YouTube is a registered trademark of Google Inc.